Framebuilding Class FAQ
As of summer 2023, I have retired from teaching framebuilding classes. I am leaving up this FAQ for informational purposes only. If you would like to be informed if/when I resume teaching, please email me.
What skills will I learn?
The goal of the class (beyond just building a fun and safe first frame) is to give you a mental and physical toolkit that will allow you to safely build more frames in the future (either as a hobby or professionally). To that end, skills that will be covered include (but are not limited to):
-TIG welding (introduction to aluminum and titanium welding included if you are interested), fillet brazing, silver brazing/lugs.
-Mitering/coping tubing both with a vertical mill and by hand/file. Other mitering techniques (joint jiggers, abrasives, etc) will be discussed as well.
-Frame design, fit, and geometry using bikeCAD pro. Basic introduction to other software including Linkage (suspension design) and RattleCAD (free/open source frame design) is also available.
-Tube, dropout, and brazeon selection.
-Checking alignment and aligning subassemblies and complete frames using a variety of tools and methods.
-Bending and shaping both main triangle tubes and chain/seatstays.
-Jig and tool construction.
-Use and care of reaming/facing/chasing tools to prep frames for final assembly.
-Basics of operating a framebuilding business (if desired) and obtaining insurance and accounts with various suppliers/distributors.
When is the best time to come?
Classes are only held from September-May. I take summers off. Best riding weather is September/October, best skiing is January-March. April and May are mud season most years so if you want to make a vacation out of it, best to avoid those months.
Do I need to know anything/practice anything in advance? Are there prerequisites?
No, with the caveat that if you come prepared with basic knowledge of TIG (and some practice time under your belt) you will learn much more from the class. I am a great welding instructor – but if we spend most of our time practicing welding, we will have to skim over many more interesting (and arguably useful) framebuilding topics in order to finish in time.
I offer a complete TIG welding setup (everything but the argon tank) that is available for rental for a flat fee of $100 (plus shipping costs) prior to your class if you do not have access to welding gear locally. Many students find that a local community college or makerspace is an ideal facility to practice. I’m also happy to supply (mitered or unmitered) scrap bike tubing for practice upon request at no charge.
Can I build a tandem? Full suspension bike?
Tandems can be built by any student but will cost an extra $2000 and take an extra 2-3 days of shop time.
Full suspension bikes require prior framebuilding experience (at least 10 frames completed and solid knowledge of TIG). Cost is an additional $1500. I usually only teach this class to established professional builders.
Can I build a rigid fork?
If you are a professional builder or experienced hobbyist, yes. The fork class add-on is $1000 and adds 2 days of shop time. If you want to simply do a fork building mini-class the cost is $1500.
How many students have you taught?
As of 2021 (in more than 10 years of teaching), approximately 70. Many have gone on to be professional framebuilders in their own right.
Can I get a discount if I already know how to weld/miter/etc?
Sorry, the class is a fixed price.